Flipkart’s Sachin Bansal Accused Of Dowry Harassment By Wife

Flipkart’s co-founder Sachin Bansal has been blamed by his wife Priya Bansal for endowment provocation. She has recorded an argument against Bansal. The FIR was documented on February 28 at Koramangala police headquarters in Bengaluru. Bansal's dad Sat Prakash Agarwal, sibling Nitin Bansal and mother Kiran Bansal have likewise been named in the FIR for requesting share and blessings at the hour of their wedding.

In her FIR, Priya Bansal affirmed that Sachin Bansal intellectually tormented her and constrained her to move every one of her properties in his name. She affirmed that her dad spent Rs 50 lakh on her wedding and gave Sachin Bansal Rs 11 lakh money rather than a vehicle. Priya Bansal said that when she wouldn't move her properties in his name, she was hassled by her parents in law. She included that her parents in law visited her home before the wedding and requested more endowment.

The police is probably going to call Sachin Bansal soon for the examination.

"We are yet to question the family since they are out of station and the examination is on. Can't uncover more information on examination. Case has been enlisted under 498a or spouse's family incurring savagery and driving unfortunate casualty to suicide or cause grave injury and 314 DP act," a police official said.

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