“Our Long-Term Vision is to Make Dyroms a Google for Animal Healthcare’- Says Dyroms Co-Founders

Started by two entrepreneurs Udit Gupta, CEO, Co-Founder and Prateek Singh, COO, Co-Founder Dyroms is a digital ecosystem for animal healthcare. It is a platform that provides effective, accessible and affordable pet care solutions to pet parents and veterinary doctors. Udit and Prateek share with BW Disrupt more about their platform and the services available, and also on their plans and visions of taking a B2B & B2C approach to the Pet Care Industry:

Q- Tell us everything about the platform and how does it work?

A- We are a B2BC model which acts as a bridge between vets and pet parents which, not only reduces the use of paper-based prescription but also helps in better search of specialized doctors and thus helps in the proper care of pets and will increase their lifetime at large. With an aim to organize & digitize this unorganized segment and thus to make it a Google for Animal care. On one side we are helping veterinary doctors in digitizing their practice and assisting them to better understand their patients and practice, and on the other side we are creating a one stop solution for all pet parenting needs, ranging from creation of digital medical history which can be accessed anytime anywhere to availability of pet accessories, fodder, grooming & diagnostic services, etc. in just a click away from them.

With Doctors, we are associating with them through our Doctor Management System, which we fondly call as our DMS, from where the doctors not only write the prescriptions in a digital pad, but all these prescriptions gets digitally stored with respect to the unique pet ID thus making a proper medical history which helps the doctors in their future diagnosis. The system also helps the Doctors in managing their Inventories, online/offline appointments, and billing system. In addition to this, there will be many more features on which we are currently working and will be included in the near future which will make it comfortable for them to use the overall system. On the other hand, to help pet parents we have launched our website which currently facilitates appointment booking with the nearest specialized veterinary doctor, Knowledge centre (where we publish articles on general Do’s and Don'ts as far as pet parenting in concerned) and a Login section from where they can create their pet’s profile and can see all their pet’s medical history and vaccine dues. In near future, the website will also help them in getting Doorstep delivery of Pet accessories, foods, Grooming & spa services, etc. with just a single click. We are currently also working on the mobile app which will be live in the market within next 3 months which will make it easier for both Doctors and Pet Parents to manage all the things.

Q- What are the different additional services that a customer can avail?

A- First and foremost service is the discovery of nearest specialized doctor, as not many users are aware of the fact that even Veterinary doctors also have specializations like, Dentist, Dermatologist, and Surgery etc. We provide a platform where a user can find and book an appointment with the concerned specialist according to their requirement and doctor’s availability, which helps in significantly reducing the waiting time. Apart from this, other services which they can avail are - Digital Medical history storage which can be accessed anytime and anywhere, Pet accessories, fodder, Grooming & Spa services, Booking Diagnostic services, Knowledge centre, Second opinion to name a few.

Q- What are the benefits that a Veterinary Doctor gets by using your software?

A- The benefits that a Veterinary Doctor gets by using DYROMS DMS (Doctor Management Software) are:

a) No more hassle of creating and storing prescriptions and medical history of a pet.
b) Strong communication and connection with their patients which eventually helps in better diagnosis and Health at large of the pets
c) No need of getting tensed to remind pet parents for vaccination dues.
d) Inventory Management from the day to day clinical management.
e) Billing Management and basic Clinical Analysis.
f) Maintaining offline and online appointment.

Q- With the problem that there is no such venture which is taking a B2B & B2C approach to the Pet Care Industry, what is your vision and plans to bridge this gap?

A- To cater this problem, initially of going with the traditional way of launching the website first and then burning cash on customer acquisition, we first decided to go with the B2B side thus associating with the doctors first and thus making a complete ecosystem in sync and around it. In future, we are currently working on adding some more features which will firstly be incorporated in the doctor management system and then subsequently with the website and the mobile apps. Our long-term vision is to make Dyroms a Google for Animal Healthcare.

Q- What were the challenges you faced when you started and how are things different now?

A- After framing out the model on pen and paper, before starting with the development, we first decided to talk to the veterinary doctors and pet parents in Delhi NCR so as to make sure the acceptance of the model in the market. Initially, 70% of the doctors we talked to, liked our idea and even agreed to use it once we were done with the development phase. But when we contacted them again with the live system, 90% of them denied associating with us for various reasons, a very common being that we are not from the animal care industry so we will not be able to solve the problems.

During the first month we were associated with only 2 doctors but still, we were not getting good usage from their side because they were hesitant to shift from writing pen and paper prescriptions to writing digital prescriptions. Secondly, unavailability of the Internet. We then launched another version of our DMS so as to make the system a lot more easy and user-friendly that even a para-vet could use it without any hiccup. It was then, with the constant follow ups and live demonstrations, that we gradually started associating with doctors in the market. Later we started expansion purely from references, in Delhi-NCR and also in other states. And now since we are associated with 45 doctors across Delhi NCR market and Haryana, and since we are expanding purely through referrals, the doctors have started giving it a try at least for 5-6 months and gradually now they are getting dependent majorly on the system.

Q- What are your marketing channels?

A- As of now apart from the transactional messages, we are promoting ourselves through our Facebook page which was launched in the 3rd week of Aug’16 and currently on an average we get a reach of 2100 views organically on each article which we publish there. Along with Public Awareness using platforms like yours, we are ready to take the competition to the next level.

Q- As per you analysis, who are the major users of your platform?

A- Our major users include the already subscribed Pet Parents, but more than that, the Pet Lovers, who for fear’s sake have a hard time having a pet, will opt for our platform for medical history storage, subscribed Fodder for their pets. Our platform is built on the factor of providing effective, affordable and accessible Animal Healthcare to Pet Lovers/Pet Parents. In short, currently major users of our platform are pet lovers, Pet parents, and NGOs from Tier-1 city, but as we are expanding our horizons in near future it will be spread to Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities as well.

Q- If you could share with us the current number of users active on your platform?

A- Currently we have a total of 6200 pet parents with 6500 pets with 80℅ retention rate, who are going to the doctors associated with us.

Q- What are your expansion plans?

A- Currently, we are associated with 45 doctors across Delhi NCR and some parts of Haryana and have generated more than 12,500 prescriptions through our system which constitutes to 6200 pet parents and 6500 Pets. Now we are expanding to Jaipur and Udaipur area followed by some 6 more major cities across North India.

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