Here's Why Omnichannel Automation Is the Future Of D2C Brands

The advent of digital shopping has created a plethora of new opportunities for brands to innovate new business models. Many successful brands have experimented with distribution through online-only sales and social media marketing channels in order to open a business without the need for a physical store. The brands are redesigning their supply chain models and distributing their products through the D2C Business model.

What is D2C business model?

D2C (Direct to Consumer), which is a business model that allows companies to sell and ship their products directly to customers. This means that there are no middlemen, and brands can offer lower prices, resulting in higher profits. Surviving modern customers is complicated because customers want to reach their brands across all channels; this is where Omnichannel Marketing Automation comes in handy in engaging them across multiple channels.

Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) commerce has grown at an exponential rate, threatening traditional business models. Rising digital infrastructure has given customers the awareness and ability to shop from any location, device, or channel.

Why is the adoption of omnichannel automation the need of the hour?

The entire customer journey is calculated, observed, and managed with real-time data analytics via Omnichannel Automation, allowing the brand to better control and provide a seamless shopping experience. The seamless shopping experience does not end when the product is delivered to the customer; it is also critical to provide a post-purchase process. Because the brand is available omnichannel, services such as product returns and exchanges become seamless, providing your customers with the best post-purchase experience.

How is it cost effective? 

D2C brands eliminate all intermediaries such as distributors and retailers, making it simple to connect, engage, and sell through a single medium of channel. This reduces the cost of intermediaries and allows brands to offer the best prices to their customers. Because your brand is present on social media and other digital media platforms, you can optimise your marketing spend and create better marketing campaigns with less money wasted.

"The adoption of an omnichannel is certainly cost-effective. The reason is that all the channels benefit each other be it online or offline. This gives a push to sales because the customer has the liberty to view or order from any channel he wishes. Further, with the help of data, you can understand which areas have a higher demand and you can supply accordingly instead of assuming randomly," said, Hemant Raulo, Founder, UrbanGabru

Customers have the ability to interact with your company through a variety of channels, which improves customer engagement and increases the likelihood of repeat business.

How does it help businesses formulate a strategy?

Hemant added that monitoring real-time data helps to understand where to place your products strategically rather than going with a random or estimated approach. The idea is simple to stabilise the demand and supply equation. You can shift your focus to areas where there is more demand for your product. 

The manufacturer does not have control over the sales and marketing activities that take place in traditional business models. D2C brands have complete control over marketing strategies, and they are the ones who develop them and raise brand awareness. When a brand has all of its data from production to distribution on a single platform, it can monitor and understand how its customers react to each strategy it has proposed.

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