Namo E-Waste Aims to Become One of the Most Promising Facilities for Recycling of e-Waste in the World

Namo E-Waste Pvt. Ltd. is a revolutionary e-waste recycling start up which picks up all kind of electronic waste and recycles them into different usable products. The Company came into action in the year 2016 after receiving all important licenses with the philosophy that a useless device for someone can turn into a useful device for someone else. Company realized that the e-Waste that was negatively impacting our environment could be stimulating the economy.

Akshay Jain, Founder, Namo E-Waste was named as a contender to the BW Disrupt 40 Under 40 list in 2017.

In an interaction with BW Disrupt, Akshay Jain talked about his venture.

Success mantra - The most important mantra for a successful leader is to have business development skills. We deal in a competitive sector with multiple clients, mostly dealing with big corporates. I have built personal relationships with many in the past few months and this plays a huge role in my success.

The driving force behind your journey - India lacks the infrastructure required for a sustainable recycling mechanism. The upcoming e-waste problem and the lack of solutions have forced me to run this e-waste management company as a business model. With our e-waste recycling startup, we have a solution to the staggering problem of e-waste generation. We pick up all kind of electronic waste and recycle them into different usable products.

Business advice - No opportunity is small and no client is less important. You never know what the future holds for you and the smaller opportunity can become a big one, if we grab it with both hands.

Tips for budding entrepreneurs - It doesn’t matter what sector you work in, always thrive for highest quality of services and products. It takes a lot of time to build a good reputation, which could be spoil by one mistake.

Government support - The policies are drafted but what is lacking is  proper implementation. All we need is that the government should focus more on proper implementation of the existing rules.

The team - One cannot prosper without having a good support from his  or her team. In my career as well, one of the key features is my team. There should be transparency in the organisation and the leader should include everyone in success and failures.
The inspiration - Our prime minister. It always amuses me that a 67-year-old, who has nothing left to prove and achieve, can be so passionate about his work. He works more than any CEO in the world. He has inspired me and a million others.

The next step - Our purpose is to provide environmentally sound, innovative and economic electronic waste recycling solutions to the community. We strive to provide green alternatives for today’s electronic asset management dilemma and to promote policy changes that benefit the environment, health and economy through safe disposal and recycling of electronic goods. We plan to reach out to pan-India locations. With proper funding, we look forward to becoming one of the most promising facilities for recycling of e-waste in the world.


Vaishali Dar

BW Reporters Vaishali Dar is a Senior Associate Editor with BW Businessworld and Editorial Head with BW Disrupt. She writes on corporates, start-ups, hospitality and travel

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