Operational Analysis is the Key Driver for Financial Results

Working 14-15 hours a day and multitasking as the Founder-cum-Managing Director of the two companies, Shiv Dave is quite passionate about financial and data services. He brings a strong industry knowledge in wide spectrum of resources sector, infrastructure including power generation sector and general manufacturing, to mention a few.

With the huge database of operational and financial information across 650+ industries across the globe and more than 9,000 company data, today, Dave is building a global empire of critical information for business decision making. He believes in strong relationships with banks and corporates in the region and has raised more than US$ 10 billion for clients in the past 10 years and another US$2 billion in pipeline. We speak to him on more details.

Tell us about the inception?

With my nearly 30 years of experience in operating and advising large companies’ CEO, CFO, owners, I realised that a good part of investment and lending analysis is solely focussed on financial analysis and not much attention is paid to operational analysis that is the key driver of financial results. The reason was simple. Financial analysis is generally common across industries, but operational analysis varies from industry to industry. At the same time, the task to provide operational analysis in a structured manner is huge. But there is clearly an opportunity and a space that is absolutely empty. I jotted down a few notes about the concept in December 2012 and since then we actively started implementing from 2014 followed by patents from Singapore Government. And that is an evidence of its uniqueness.

So what is so unique about your companies? Do you get ample time to focus on both the companies?

Yes, infact, all three of us have dual roles to play. One company brings us earnings - Emindobiz and another one is where we invest, Televisory.

Emindobiz is a boutique financial advisory firm founded in 2003 and handled by two directors of the company – Jessica Yeo and Jaiprakash Dave, and myself. With on an average of more than US$1 billion in transactions a year, we have started to build the right structure of financing, provide a group of financers, negotiate key terms, key documents and be involved until financing is complete.

Fortunately, Televisory boasts of a 140-member team working to develop the database, envisaged to provide services. I personally work every day of the week, averaging 14-15 hours a day. It’s a passion of lifetime to take Televisory to the level where in my view it belongs – a global company that changes the way critical information is made available for business decision making.

How do you plan to market Televisory in India?

We have three product groups and each has its own distinct marketing strategy.

a. Benchmarking products for industry operators at large. Market size is 20 to 50 million businesses worldwide with key focus on developing world in Asia, Middle-East, Africa, Eastern Europe and South Africa. Here we are seeking alliances with banks and accounting firms to reach to these customers.

b. Fund managers, lenders (banks) and entrepreneurs - these are users of our Data Analytics platform. We are reaching out to them through Digital Media and by appointing partners.

c. Value added services - with the huge data base of operational and financial information across 650+ industries across global and more than 9,000 company data today (expected to increase to 35,000 listed and 200,000 non listed companies in next 3 years), we can provide research support to large research houses for equity and debt, valuation and modelling services and customised research.

We will appoint regional marketing heads in Africa, Middle East, Eastern Europe and South America in the next one year to cater to specific markets.

What sectors have your benchmarked?

We are targeting all sectors.

Is Televisory chargeable?

Yes, we are a revenue-based business model and not based on advertisement. We charge US$1,000/year for benchmarking services for four quarterly reports. For data analytics, we charge US$5,000/user/year. For customised services, we plan to price the products on case by case basis.

What kind of investment has been done in Televisory?

We have invested US$5 million so far. Our annual expenditure currently is US$2.5 million. All this is self-funded.

Any future expansion plans for India and other countries?

We have started a development center in India in my response to PM Modi’s call for ‘Make in India’. We are not in manufacturing but we are ‘Serving from India’. We aim to take our strength to 500 professionals in India. In about three years, we aim to have offices in 5-10 countries depending upon the market size we can capture.


Vaishali Dar

BW Reporters Vaishali Dar is a Senior Associate Editor with BW Businessworld and Editorial Head with BW Disrupt. She writes on corporates, start-ups, hospitality and travel

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