Protection of Social Media Accounts For Startups and Why is it Necessary?

Heard that Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg was hacked? It only goes to show that anybody’s social account can be hacked these days and how necessary it has become to secure one’s social accounts using multiple web services. And more so for the start ups that are just coming up and trying to create a place for themselves in the market.

These days social media marketing, especially for start ups have become less of a choice and more of a priority since it gives a direct line to current and prospective customers. In fact, platforms like Twitter and Facebook have become integral parts of brand awareness, content distribution, customer service, recruitment and feedback. This is especially true for small start ups that are working with smaller budgets and grassroots campaigns. Thus, it is essential to efficiently manage social media accounts because hacking is not uncommon due to all the competition in such a professional environment and can be a huge dent to one’s reputation.

Many a times people often use the same password for their various web services and this is the most important rule if you do not want your digital life hijacked. However, inventing unique yet difficult non dictionary passwords for every web service being used can be an impossible task. However, there are a host of operating system agnostic services out there, like Last Pass and 1Password that work with mobile and desktop and all needs to do is create one unique password and the rest is taken of by the password manager. There are such separate services on Macs too with their free password management tool. There are other steps that can be taken by such start ups too to secure their media accounts like not using words found in the dictionary as a password, never recycling the password for your email and bank accounts, etc or setting up a separate account altogether for services that are going to be used only from time to time.

Like Last Pass is an award winning password manager that saves your passwords and gives you secure access to them from anywhere. With Last Pass, you only have to remember one password which is your Last Pass master password. When you login with this password, Last pass will fill in your logins for you and sync your passwords everywhere you need them. Similarly, 1Password remembers all your passwords like you do and other sensitive information. One can use 1Password to generate unique and difficult passwords, save them securely and you can access 1Password with only one password and it will keep you secure digitally. Dashlane Password Manager, Rememebr’all- Password Manager, Safe in Cloud Password Manager and Keeper Password Manager are some of the other password managers and secure digital vaults that are available too.

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