This Saturday (January 16, 2016) Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to launch “Start-up India 2016”. The prime minister is also expected to announce various initiatives by his government to foster the culture of entrepreneurship. The response has already been so overwhelming that there were over 200,000 requests for the passes from entrepreneurs across the country. Unfortunately, since the venue will be able to house not more than 1,350 people, many will have to contend with watching the live telecast of the event on Doordarshan. The ultimate question – however – is how far will the initiative succeed?
Read MoreBeing over ambitious and failing to achieve something are two different things. Even though India did not get the Nuclear Supplier’s Membership this year, there are a list of things that India has been able to accomplish under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi. Have a look at India’s recent accomplishments in economy, science and business:
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