Improvise Existing Growth Strategies To Build Scalable Businesses

A good business plan requires a system for recognising, developing and safeguarding creative ideas on a regular basis. Every company reaches a tipping point where change is inevitable and the reluctance or inability of a company to adapt to those unavoidable changes might lead to the downfall of the company as well.

Anuj Parekh, Co-founder and CEO of Healthysure, explains the different phases of scalability a company goes through during its initial phases based on his experience. He says,“ Every organisation goes through four different phases which are: zero to one phase, one to ten phase, ten to hundred phases and a hundred to thousand phase.”

Ultimately, you have to build a sustainable and scalable business and for this, your company has to constantly keep adapting to the changes of this dynamic market. This also includes changing and improvising on your existing marketing strategies to remain in the race, Parekh added.

Along the same line, Gautam Malhotra, MD of FuelBuddy, believes that any good business plan requires a system for recognising, developing and safeguarding creative ideas on a regular basis. He says, “You have to know the market and simply, stick to the core and keep the pulse of the market.”

“At the start, you do what you want but with time, when your company is getting bigger, you have to take into consideration your team as well. The process of decision-making in a company changes at different stages. You get more and more democratic with every passing stage,” Malhotra added.

Talking about taking the right decisions while founding a company, Arnab Mitra, Managing Director of Liqvd Asia and Founder of DigiBoxx, says, “If and when you start feeling that something is wrong, you have to find a solution to it.” This feeling, Mitra says, starts from your gut and you need to fix it in time

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