Insights From Investors: How To Improve Capital Accessibility For Women Entrepreneurs

Women entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs are making significant strides challenging traditional norms and driving innovation in the business world. 

In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of women venturing into entrepreneurship and taking on leadership roles within established organisations.

Women-led Startups: Complexities And Hurdles

In India, specifically, the entrepreneurial ecosystem has seen a rise in female-founded startups and women leaders in the corporate sector. India's ranking of 57th on the Mastercard Index of Women Entrepreneurs indicates that there is room for growth. 

However, there has been a significant plunge in venture capital going to women-led startups in India. 

Sukhman Bedi, Partner, Orios Venture Partner, emphasised that gender should not dictate standards for entrepreneurs. She stressed the importance of founder-market fit, regardless of gender, focusing on experience, unique insights and problem-solving abilities.

"A female or male founder is no different. But the way to differentiate yourself is to make yourself the best person to solve that problem," said Bedi. She advised that women entrepreneurs can leverage their empathy and understanding to enhance their fit with the market.

Evaluation On Merit, Not Gender 

Nupur Garg, Founder and Managing Partner of WinPe, shared insights on the challenges women entrepreneurs face in the investment landscape. She opened up biases that often influence decisions, while investors should evaluate pitches based on merit. She highlighted that many investors rely on networks and similarity biases, disadvantaging women entrepreneurs.

Garg encouraged perseverance and continual improvement in understanding their business and the problems they aim to solve. “Develop resilience, view rejections as learning opportunities, and refine pitches,” she added.

Ntasha, Co-founder and Managing Partner of Ankurit Capital, a women-led fund emphasised the importance of gender diversity in investment decision-making. 

While acknowledging the primary goal of financial returns, she highlighted the need for more women investors and decision-makers in the industry to support female entrepreneurs effectively.

Ntasha discussed the changing landscape, mentioning institutional funds such as SEBI, mandated by the government to promote women's empowerment and entrepreneurship. “The goal is to create an unbiased entrepreneurship ecosystem that supports both men and women equally,” she added further.

Brighter Future Ahead For Inclusive Growth

In addition to women entrepreneurs, there is also a growing number of women intrapreneurs who are driving innovation and growth within established companies. 

These women are taking on leadership roles, spearheading new initiatives, and bringing fresh perspectives to the table. Their contributions are reshaping the investment landscape and paving the way for greater diversity and inclusivity in the business world.

Ankurit Capital's Ntasha advocated for assertiveness and networking to enhance personal and professional growth. Garg promoted ambitious dreaming with determination and highlighted the importance of authenticity in relationships. Bedi stressed the impact of support networks on women entrepreneurs and encouraged prioritising goals, ambitions and authenticity in decision making for success.

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