IoT Adding Value To Both Consumers And End Users: CIO, JBM Group

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physically connected objects that can track, report on, and deliver data. IoT devices use sensors to measure a variety of environmental variables, such as location, temperature, humidity, light levels, movement, handling and movement speed which are very crucial for whole supply chain management.

At the BW Businessworld Supply Chain Resilience Summit & Awards 2022, Ranganathan Iyer, Group CIO and Senior EVP – IT, JBM Group stated that IoT (Internet of Things) is bringing value addition to the customers and the end user.

“Put IoT in two different baskets, the first one is core manufacturing and the other one is how IoT is going to help increase the efficiency of the supply chain. It is not new in the manufacturing industry especially in auto because we deployed many solutions,” he said.

"We look at IoT from a perspective I would call it as a change of generation from a mere track and trace of RFID to a more featured product where it can also provide locations and do much more," said Vijay Kumar, Director – India & Sr Regional Sales Director – IMEA, Identification Technologies Division, HID.

During a panel discussion, when Vaibhav Dayal (CEO, Blackburn Technologies & MD, Full Value Consulting) asked Anil Syal (President, Safe Express) on how IoT is changing your industry and your company, the latter replied saying that IoT is something which is now ingrained with end-to-end supply management when it comes to logistics services.

“As far as my organisation is concerned, we are one of the very early proponents of IoT at the package packing level,” Syal said.

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