Samir Shah Calls For Investments That Align With Sustainability

Highlighting the imminent threat of Earth surpassing 1.5 degrees Celsius, Samir Shah discussed the concept of Planetary boundaries, cautioning that breaching them would bring severe consequences. He stressed the need to heed the warning signs and act promptly.

Shah emphasised the importance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the collective responsibility we all bear. "This is not a job or effort of one person; cohesive coordination is needed," he remarked.

Identifying four key areas for sustainable investment and development, Shah pointed to new energy, the imperative shift from fossil fuels to hydrogen, solar, and biofuels. He urged taking the initiative for this transition.

He then turned to the food system, advocating for sustainable feeding of the world's 8 billion people. Water, often overlooked, emerged as another critical concern, encompassing issues of groundwater, surface water, quality, and quantity.

Finally, Shah addressed the broader climate issues, encompassing biodiversity and plastics. He called for investments that align with sustainability criteria and urged concrete examples to inspire others while benefiting society, the environment, and companies.

Shah also stressed the importance of global technology evaluation to address India's needs and achieve the SDGs. Drawing parallels with India's global influence in products and services, he emphasized the nation's key role in the global sustainability journey.

Citing examples of Indian companies making a difference, such as water purification technology in Chennai and Vaani Solar panels, Shah highlighted their contribution to a renewable energy future.

He concluded by underlining the potential for profitability and sustainability in business operations, echoing the belief that both can go hand in hand.

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