BizDateUp Allocates Rs 40 Cr To Back Women Entrepreneurs Across India

The allocation will be distributed via a structured application process, requiring a detailed business plan, financial projections, and a utilisation outline

BizDateUp, a startup ecosystem enabler, has announced an initiative to allocate Rs 40 crore to support women entrepreneurs in India. This funding initiative aims to foster diversity, promote social equity, and drive economic growth through inclusive entrepreneurship.

Starting 1 July, women entrepreneurs can apply for funding through BizDateUp’s official website. The allocation will be distributed via a structured application process, requiring a detailed business plan, financial projections, and a utilisation outline.

Each application will undergo rigorous evaluation based on potential, innovation, scalability, and impact by a panel of experts.

“Women entrepreneurs in India often face unique challenges, including limited access to capital, mentorship, and networks,” stated Meet Jain, Co-Founder at BizDateUp. “Our initiative not only provides financial support but also offers access to mentors, industry experts, and business development opportunities.”

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