IIT Delhi Alumni Gaurav Goel Set To Raise $ 3.3 Mn From German Investor

StayTouch has already received USD 3.2 million from investors including Cyrille Bollore, Prisca Clarins and others

Communication platform and contact exchange solution, StayTouch is ready to raise USD 3.3 million in the latest funding round, media reported. The company has already received USD 3.2 million from investors including Cyrille Bollore, Prisca Clarins, and Dentressangle.

Talking about the uses of proceeds, Gaurav Goel, IIT’n and founder of StayTouch said, “Funding will enable us to make our platform better.” He added that his company is committed to providing a secure and engaging communication experience tailored to its diverse user base.

With an emphasis on data privacy, StayTouch is a smart and secure messenger that enables diverse communities to interact and communicate with their target audience, monetize through a range of models, own the data, and publish pertinent content. Its focus on safe login procedures and end-to-end encryption makes it stand out. 

The software uses secured cloud storage to guarantee the security of all user data, including conversations and nicknames. In addition to security, community administration is given top priority, enabling users to plan events, form and oversee special interest groups, and establish social and professional connections. 

Since its foundation in 2018 by Gaurav Goel, StayTouch has amassed a robust intellectual property portfolio spanning five years, with three patents secured and three more in the works, as per media reports.

Providing AI-based data analysis, networking and relationship management; the app offers unique features for communities including structured communication with friends, family and larger audiences, said media reports.

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