
Vaishali Dar


Vaishali Dar is a Senior Associate Editor with BW Businessworld and Editorial Head with BW Disrupt. She writes on corporates, start-ups, hospitality and travel

Latest Articles By Vaishali Dar

Bird Group Introduces Launderette – Laundry Service on Mobile

When the ecosystem is burgeoning with innovative solutions, addressing real challenges driven by entrepreneurs and funded by investors, the in-house innovation lab of Bird Group led by Dr. Ankur Bhatia, Executive Director, has ventured into a lifestyle garment care mobile app – Launderette, wired to help customers place orders, make payments and track pick-up and deliveries.

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'We Plan to Double Down on Localisation with in Artificial Intelligence' - Says Aakrit Vaish, Haptik

Do not start for the sake of starting up. Start because you are obsessed with your idea. Once you have 110 per cent conviction in what you are doing, then don’t give up, just try and try till you succeed

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V Resorts Aims to Raise $10M from Investors to Expand Its Presence

South East Asia is among the favourite overseas destinations with Indians, so it is a prudent decision to focus our initial expansion efforts there

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'Our Long-term Goal is to Reach 10% of the Overall Lending Industry' - Naveen Kukreja,

There are three primary reasons why startups fail: mismatch between customer need and proposition; entrepreneurs mistaking great ideas to be big milestones; and lack of funds for projects. My advice to those starting out is to keep these factors in mind and take quick actions whenever necessary

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'Invest In People And Their Growth' - Akshat Saxena, ePayLater

Execution is key and that can’t be done by anyone but a cohesive and committed unit

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Namo E-Waste Aims to Become One of the Most Promising Facilities for Recycling of e-Waste in the World

'Our purpose is to provide environmentally sound, innovative and economic electronic waste recycling solutions to the community.'

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'Do What You Love & Give It Your All' - Anirudh Rastogi, Managing Partner, TRA

There is little bandwidth to do much else, if you want to do it really well

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UpGrad is Looking at Expanding Its Product Line; Also Targets at International markets

Love the problem you are solving. And lastly, always remember that investment is just a means to an end and not an end in itself

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Rooter is Inching Closer to Half a Million User Mark

Work very hard on the idea with respect to market fit and most importantly how will your business make money

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'Build A Powerful Personal Network' - Prasoon Gupta, Founder, Sattviko

Focus on building awesome teams and a vast network of friends and mentors. This will immensely help you to succeed in life and build future goals in life

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