Blinkit, the quick-commerce company, has announced the launch of a 10-minute ambulance service in Gurugram, with plans to expand to other major cities in India within the next two years. CEO Albinder Dhindsa revealed the initiative via a post on X, highlighting that the service would be equipped with essential medical equipment such as oxygen cylinders, AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators), stretchers, and emergency medicines. The ambulances will also have a paramedic, an assistant, and a trained driver onboard.
The first five ambulances will begin operating in Gurugram, with users able to book a Basic Life Support (BLS) ambulance through the Blinkit app. Dhindsa emphasised that the service would be provided at an affordable cost, with the goal of addressing a critical issue without prioritizing profit. “We will operate this service at an affordable cost for customers and invest in really solving this critical problem for the long term,” he said.
A promotional image shared by Dhindsa showed a flat fee of Rs 2,000 for the ambulance service, although it noted that the service would not support neonatal or ventilator care. While many social media users praised the initiative, others criticised private players like Blinkit for monetising a life-saving service that they argued should be free and provided by the government.
Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal congratulated Dhindsa, calling the service a groundbreaking initiative. "Quick is not just about commerce. It’s about saving lives as well. This is a first in the world," Goyal posted on X.