Kunal Kamra, the outspoken comedian and social media personality, raised significant concerns over the treatment of gig workers in the quick commerce industry, criticising platform owners for exploiting vulnerable workers. In a series of tweets on January 1, 2025, Kamra argued that while these platforms may seem convenient, they are far from offering sustainable employment.
In his first tweet of the year, Kamra emphasised the darker side of the gig economy: “Platform owners exploit gig workers and they are not job creators. They are landlords without owning any land.” He further criticised their business model, stating, “They don’t have a bone of creativity or innovation; all they do is exploit people by offering them freedom that they can't afford while giving them wages that can't meet their aspirations.”
Kamra continued by accusing these companies of using workers' data as "oil" without compensating them fairly, adding, “They are thugs that are using data as oil without paying for the oil fields.” He also voiced his frustration about the lack of regulation in the sector, saying, “Someday there will be regulation that humbles them…”
He took aim at the lack of accountability from top industry figures like Deepinder Goyal and Jeetendar, stating, “Nor Deepinder or Jeetendar will respond to this…” Kamra also pointed to the role of government institutions, particularly @MCA21India and @LabourMinistry, urging them to step in and address these critical concerns.
In a follow-up tweet, Kamra further elaborated on the precarious nature of gig work, stating: “Platforms take vulnerable young people giving them odd jobs, Their boss changes with every order… They are discouraged in some cases not allowed to unionise.”
Kamra concluded with a thought-provoking question: “Will our institutions take cognizance of these issues, or will they continue to turn a blind eye?”