
Sangeet Kumar Sanu


Sangeet Kumar Sanu as a Correspondent reports on Defence, Space and Foreign Affairs for BW since 2022.

Latest Articles By Sangeet Kumar Sanu

Customer Retention Is Critical To Business Profitability

Tushar Khurana, Founder of Perfora said that retention is a key factor in building a brand building but at the same sustainability of the business is also important

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Davos Summit 2023: India’s Journey To Startup Hub

According to the official data, India’s installed renewable energy capacity has increased from 76.37 gigawatts in March 2014 to 159.95 gigawatts in May 2022, an increase of around 110 per cent recorded

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Gen Z, With 32% Of World Population Gives Huge Opportunity For Building Brands

Gen Z represents a huge opportunity for businesses looking to expand, with a combined purchasing power of more than USD 143 billion and an estimated 2.56 billion population worldwide

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India Needs An Efficient Cold Chain Infrastructure For Its Agro And Healthcare Industry

The agro and healthcare industry in particular is the sector which is heavily dependent on cold storage infrastructure, as it ensures the safety of various biologicals such as vaccines, medicines, blood and perishable goods

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'You Need Data & Analytics For Resilience In Supply Chain'

Fundamental financial help assessment is a key indicator to judge whether your supplier is going to be weak or not and if your supplier is weak, it could impact your delivery, performance and innovation

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